Getting back to it

Way back in September I had some surgery on a hip to remove a bit of excess bone growth. Only a couple of small scars to show for it now, one for instruments and one for the camera.

Well in the last couple of sessions I've finally started returning to doing a bit of Randori at the club. It's quite pleasing to say the hip held up fairly well, only occasional discomfort/pain and certainly better than before the operation.

Now I need to slowly pick up the intensity of training with a view to getting fitter and losing weight so I can get to competitions to collect my last 20 points for my next promotion.

With that in mind I've started trying to get rid of the extra flab I've piled on since my operation. I've signed up to the Great North Run half marathon hoping that helps motivate me to actually get out and do some running but that doesn't seem to be having the desired affect as yet - you'd think getting down to a sensible fighting weight for my 4th dan would be motivation enough.... it doesn't help my knees are hurting more than ever at the moment.

I'm not sure if the knee pain is a result of biomechanical change as a result of hip operation or just carrying too much weight. I've always had some knee pain but it's getting to a point where I feel I should push for surgery....

Have you any experience with knee surgery? How'd it go?


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