That was better than expected... more competition

Yesterday I fought at the Samurai masters/high grade competition.

In the masters event I had 3 fights against guys around 140Kg. Beat one of them with drop seoi I've been working on, followed up with a waki gatame after scooting out from underneath. No idea where that armlock came from, took me by suprise as much as him I think! That was enough for a bronze.

Then later, a 3rd dan competition. Opponents closer to my weight, it was also my first test against just 3rd dans. Won 2 of 4 (enough for bronze), 1st with drop seoi for ippon, second win was uchi mata attack then ko soto ish sweep when retreating from the uchi mata attack, the sweeping leg being the same as the one sweeping up in uchimata.

Worked suprisingly well, Uke stood up straight to avoid my uchi mata my sweep took advantage of that perfectly for ippon :)

So I'm off the mark and on my way towards 4th dan with 20 points just a couple of weeks after getting my 3rd, go me!


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