British Judo Association (BJA) launch new website
After what seems like an awful long time of promises the BJA have finally launched the new website (
I'd be interested to know what people think.
Initially it seems ok. A few things I would have done differently though.
The homepage seems rather busy and confusing, that may pass as I get used to navigating the site.
Is anyone else being plagued by the 'allow cookies' popup? I appreciate this is a legal thing but I'd expect it to go away once I've accepted cookies. I've tried saying yes and no but the blasted box keeps coming back on every page load. I'm using Chrome, I hope this isn't a cross-browser thing (lack of testing).
So what do I use the BJA site for and can I still do those things:
- list future events
- info about running comps/gradings
- dan grade register
- find a club
Ahh found how to get at the calendar - at the bottom of the 'Events' box on the home page click 'View Events'. Then another click to actually get the detail of an event. If there is to be a click-through to get event detail, can't we reduce the 'listing' page to just that - a simple list, so I can see more events on a page?
The calendar page suffers the same problem as the minimal box on the homepage - not enough events in the list. I want a straight forward list of events, perhaps filterable by type.
Just found the event list I'm after. On the restricted event list (5 events), in the right hand column under events it is possible to view by month after a click or two.
Personally the calendar is the main reason I return to the BJA website. I used to be able to get to a simple overview/list with 1 click, then they changed it to be that odd graphical calendar representation which meant another click or two, now it takes 3 clicks to get a list.
I'd be interested to know what people think.
Initially it seems ok. A few things I would have done differently though.
The homepage seems rather busy and confusing, that may pass as I get used to navigating the site.
Is anyone else being plagued by the 'allow cookies' popup? I appreciate this is a legal thing but I'd expect it to go away once I've accepted cookies. I've tried saying yes and no but the blasted box keeps coming back on every page load. I'm using Chrome, I hope this isn't a cross-browser thing (lack of testing).
So what do I use the BJA site for and can I still do those things:
- list future events
- info about running comps/gradings
- dan grade register
- find a club
Calendar listing
When trying to find the complete calendar (the small box on the home page, while cute, isn't actually that helpful IMO - I like to see next months events for example to plan ahead. Showing me next weeks events is no good as the closing date for entries will have passed) I click through on calendar then 'View the full event calendar to find out more.' and I get a page not found error. Great start for a new site.Ahh found how to get at the calendar - at the bottom of the 'Events' box on the home page click 'View Events'. Then another click to actually get the detail of an event. If there is to be a click-through to get event detail, can't we reduce the 'listing' page to just that - a simple list, so I can see more events on a page?
The calendar page suffers the same problem as the minimal box on the homepage - not enough events in the list. I want a straight forward list of events, perhaps filterable by type.
Just found the event list I'm after. On the restricted event list (5 events), in the right hand column under events it is possible to view by month after a click or two.
Personally the calendar is the main reason I return to the BJA website. I used to be able to get to a simple overview/list with 1 click, then they changed it to be that odd graphical calendar representation which meant another click or two, now it takes 3 clicks to get a list.
File/document resources
So I like to be able to access things like pool sheets for competitions, grading syllabus', rulebook and things like that. Can I still find them?
For the most part, yes. An generally filed in sensible places. A link to the SE requirements is broken though...
In fact several links to PDFs are broken:
Find a club
Clicking through the clubs link takes me to a page about why it's good to join a club and a link to club finder page. That club finder page goes to an error (not found) page. This seems like a fairly important page to me and to have that not work is a big problem in my opinion.
Dan grade register
Under gradings now (better than the old "technical->gradings" hiding place). Works ok but it opens in a new window which is irritating. I'll decide if I want a new window thankyou.