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Refereeing is coming together

 For a while now I've been trying to get my Judo referee standard up to warrant being awarded National A referee status.   At the bigger events I referee at I am graded by senior refs on a number of criteria, I have to score a rolling average of over 70 points across the last 3 events.   I was at the Welsh Junior & Senior the weekend just gone where I got a score of 72, my best score yet and my first in the 70s. My previous couple of scores of 68 & 69 give me a rolling average of 69.666.   Had I got just 1 more point that would have done it, so while I'm well-chuffed with my score from this event there is a hint of frustration I didn't get that 1 extra point.   Particularly as it would have meant gaining my A badge at the same venue as both my first attempt at reffing many years back, winning my 1st dan and getting my first coach award.   So a little bitter sweet. It is a win though, and a score I'm pleased with.   I think a big factor in recent higher scores ar

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