Trying to stay under 100Kg...

With a couple of comps coming up I'm supposed to be staying under 100Kg. I probably should be under 90Kg but that's only if I were a lean fighting machine. I'm not. I'm more of a pie and beer disposal machine. As such staying out of the opens is the aim for now, those guys are scarily huge!

This morning my bathroom scales weighted me in at 99Kg. They seem to weigt light compared to event scales so the North of England Open in Bradford is going to be touch and go on sunday which category I end up in. Good chance the 0ver and under 100Kg sections will get merged anyway. I really should get under 90Kg :/

Graded up a bunch of kids to their 1st mon last night in Barnsley. Clearly some were better than others but all sufficiently competent IMO to be allowed a stripe on their belts.... it is only the first one after all. Hopefully it will give them some renewed enthusiasm to train!

Also ended up taking the senior session afterwards, gave them a taste of some lively competition practice drills... uchi komis at various pace interspersed with drills like squat thrusts/burpees/situp->standing. I think most 'enjoyed' it. ;) Bit of grip work and drills to get them doing 'grip and go' attacks seemed to go down well too. Lots of smiling and laughing as folks collapsed into heaps!


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